Father Fantastic!


A Poem by K. Brendi Poppel


Father Fantastic!

Not some whimsical, imaginary figment

Or flimsy insight into nothingness

O No!

Of a certainty I know You are real,

Guiding me continually to Higher Realms of Being,

Opening up unforeseen venues, cracks through which to

Enter the Spiritual Domain,
the terrain of astounding adventure ahead…


Being led by the Divine Fragment of Forever,

Holy Spark of the Infinite,

Spiritualizing my thoughts, picturizing my potential,

Reverberating reality, echoing ecstasy…

To taste, to touch, to sense the true flavor of divinity,

Becoming One with the Great Beyond.


No vague, vagabond hallucination

But a permeating presence of

The very deepest relatity that is firmly anchored

In the core of my consciousness,

The most brilliant Light of Truth illuminates

The shadows of my soul

And He is called God.


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K. Brendi Poppel